IHM's 2025 Mass Intention Book has fully booked all available Masses.
Please be aware that at the 8:30AM daily Mass on the First Saturday of each month, the intention is by name for all the deceased whose funerals were celebrated by IHM the previous month. If you would like a name added to this First Saturday list, please notify the rectory by the Wednesday before First Saturday (914-723-0276).
Having a Mass said for a loved one at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church is a noble and ideal way to honor a deceased person. There is a beautiful tradition in the Catholic Church of offering Mass for the soul of a family member or friend. The name of the deceased is announced by the priest and published in our Sunday Bulletin.
The 2025 Mass Intention Book opened on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 12 noon.
Tuesday, November 12th at 12 noon - all may request up to two (2) Mass Intentions
Tuesday, November 19th at 12 noon - all may request an additional three (3) Mass Intentions
Tuesday, November 26th at 12 noon - the 2025 Book will be fully available to all.
The offering for an announced Mass is $20.00. The Book will remain open until all available Masses have been requested. Mass Intention requests are limited to one requestor per Mass.
The preferred ordering method is the online system. The button below will link you to the ordering system once it is live. However, please call or visit the rectory if you cannot utilize the online feature.