Every Mass is divided into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. At Mass, the readings may be proclaimed by Lectors. Proclaiming God’s Word is more than reading, it involves understanding what the reading means and translating that understanding. Lectors convey through their readings a better understanding of the Scriptures. This communication of the Scriptures draws 4 parishioners closer to God and contributes to the celebration of the Mass.
Lectors are usually responsible for proclaiming the Old and New Testament readings, possibly the Responsorial Psalm, the intercessions, and the announcements at Mass. Service may be rendered at the Sunday (Saturday Vigil) Mass you usually attend. Daily Masses have their own rotation.
Online formation from the Archdiocese is required and follow-up will be made after at the parish. Please use this link to access online formation from the Archdiocese of NY Liturgy Office: https://nyliturgy.teachable.
Please use this link to learn more: The Lector at Mass
IHM Co-coordinators for Lectors are Lucille Fontana and Chris Pelella. ,P
If you are interested in serving as a Lector, or to learn more, please use the form below.