Dear Parents,
Your role as Catholic parents is surely one of the most sacred, challenging and wonderful vocations that the Lord entrusts to His people. You brought your child to be baptized thus providing the opportunity to begin life as a disciple of Jesus in the Church. As your child grows, you continue to nurture that spiritual life. You enable your child to live joyously in the Love of God made tangible by your own goodness and love. In the intimacy of family relationships, you teach the Catholic faith to your child every day by what you say and do – a profound and irreplaceable witness.
We in the Parish Religious Education Program, have also been given a sacred role by the Lord – that of Catechist for your child. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in teaching your child to walk in the ways of faith. We pledge all the resources of our program to helping your child come to know and better understand the person of Jesus Christ who so loves him/her. We pledge to do all we can to help you instill Catholic beliefs and values so that your child may live in the joy of being Jesus’ disciple.
Our experience has shown us that this is most effectively accomplished when the family and the parish work together. The parents place Jesus Christ and His teachings at the center of their family life –-through Sunday Mass, family prayer, and daily life as disciples of Jesus. The Religious Education Program teaches the Catholic life that the child is living at home and experiencing in the Parish. The Parish supports and nurtures the parents and provides a “home-place” for the families who choose the Catholic way of life in a world that is increasingly lost without God and in need of the Truth that is Jesus.
May God bless us in the work of Catholic Education which we carry on together in His name.
Msgr. Luke M. Sweeney Mrs. Laura Covais
Pastor Coordinator of Religious Education